Refund Policy

Note 1: –

Once we received consultation fees and birth-related information. We will notify you via email or what apps to schedule a consultation date and time.
Please make sure you provide all the information accurate to your best knowledge. And booking a consultation confirms that you have read and understood the privacy policy and terms & conditions.

Note 2: –

For meeting with ASTRO JAGANNATH prior appointment would be extremely essential. Kindly avoid visiting without taking prior appointment. If you would visit without taking prior appointment then you’d be asked to go back which would prove to be disappointing for you!

Note 3: – / Mr. Prasannajit.Mohanty, stands to abide by the terms and conditions stipulated in the Disclaimer to be referred here and it will be deemed that the customer has read the Disclaimer thoroughly and has agreed to abide by the contents envisaged in the said Disclaimer. Not with standing anything contained contrary in any law no refund shall be given for any product/services under any circumstance.